Congress information 


Inselspital Bern, Julie von Jenner Haus (formerly paediatric clinic)
 Auditorium Ettore Rossi
Freiburgstrasse 15
3010 Bern


Travel by train or car

The airports of Zurich or Geneva (Genève) are recommended for international travel. From there, Bern can be reached by train or by car. The distance from Zurich is about 130 km, from Geneva 160 km. Trains from the international airports depart frequently to Bern main station. The travel time is about 75 minutes from Zurich Airport and 90 minutes from Geneva Airport. Train connections can be found here.


Arrival by public transport

By train: You leave the train platform in western direction (follow the sign indicated “Welle” (“wave”) via escalator or elevator, so you do not have to go through the main station. Postal bus number 101 stops directly in front of the “Welle” (bus stop Schanzenstrasse); bus stop for bus number 11 is situated to the right, around the corner (bus stop Hirschengraben).


Arrival by car

 Via motorway A1: exit Forsthaus, then follow the signs “Inselspital” and “Insel-Parking”.

Orientation on site


Here you can find the plan ot the Insel hospital area in PDF (Entrance no. 19 Julie von Jenner Haus, i.e. the outside staircase at Ettore Rossi, leads to the congress rooms. People who require a lift should use entrance no. 15.)


At the same date, various other congresses take place in Bern. It will not be easy to find accommodation. We recommend to book as early as possible. The following link will take you to further information on accommodation in Bern via the City of Bern website: Where to stay in Bern – Bern Welcome

Congress party

Following the regular program, the congress party will take place in the auditorium of the Progr cultural center in the city center of Bern. The program starts at 7 pm with a welcome aperitif! Afterwards, a varied buffet is served, accompanied later in the evening by a DJ providing adequate music in order to enjoy the rest of the day amid vivacious tunes and lively dancing.